The efficiency of coolers designed to provide refrigeration for industrial equipment is discussed. Experience accumulated during more than twenty years of manufacturing shows that multistage auto-cascade coolers provide high refrigeration performance along with rapid cool down and defrost. Both single-stage and two-stage throttle cycles have been analyzed. Comparative data on the performance of the cycles are obtained with a computer model that includes an equation of state to calculate thermodynamic properties of mixed refrigerants. Both flammable argon-hydrocarbon- and nonflammable argon-hydrofluorocarbon-based mixed refrigerants have been considered. Non-flammable environmentally friendly mixed refrigerants include commercially available components. The experimental data were obtained for coolers based on a single-stage compressor. The tested systems provided refrigeration capacity from 500 to 3600 W depending on the compressor displacement volume. A Carnot efficiency coefficient as high as 0.21 was achieved. This corresponds to the efficiency of conventional freezers operating at temperatures above 230 K.
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10 May 2002
ADVANCES IN CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING: Proceedings of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference - CEC
16-20 July 2001
Madison, Wisconsin (USA)
Research Article|
May 10 2002
Performance of throttle-cycle coolers operating with mixed refrigerants designed for industrial applications in a temperature range 110 to 190 K
O. Podtcherniaev;
O. Podtcherniaev
IGC Polycold Systems, San Rafael, California 94903
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M. Boiarski;
M. Boiarski
IGC Polycold Systems, San Rafael, California 94903
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K. Flynn
K. Flynn
IGC Polycold Systems, San Rafael, California 94903
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AIP Conf. Proc. 613, 863–872 (2002)
O. Podtcherniaev, M. Boiarski, K. Flynn; Performance of throttle-cycle coolers operating with mixed refrigerants designed for industrial applications in a temperature range 110 to 190 K. AIP Conf. Proc. 10 May 2002; 613 (1): 863–872.
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