Recent observations have unambiguously established the metagalactic model for the distribution of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). While the interpretation of the afterglow has addressed the question of emission and propagation of radiation, the central engine powering this process is subject to a lot of speculative models. The possibility of a Whitehole as the progenitor object is examined in the context of recent observations of the afterglow. After giving a brief summary of the conclusions from the observations of the GRBs, the early works on the whitehole models are mentioned. The close similarity of the whiteholes to the concept of collapsar or hypernovae models is pointed out. The possibility of establishing the whitehole model as the correct model for at least some of the GRBs using the measurements of the pulse duration at different wavelength bands is indicated. Further work is in progress on the comparison of detailed predictions of the whitehole model with the light curves of the GRBs with multiwavelength observations including the optical bands.

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