We report on submillimeter-wave and millimeter-wave observations toward supernova remnants (SNRs) by using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, the Mt. Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope, and the Nobeyama 45-m radio telescope. For the supernova remnant W28, which is an EGRET gamma-ray source, we have convincingly detected the broad CO, HCN, and SiO emission lines from the shock-accelerated gas due to the SNR-cloud interaction. The previously-reported 1720-MHz OH maser spot is found to be located at the shock front. By using the Mt. Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope, we observed the 492-GHz CI (neutral atomic carbon), 345-GHz CO (3–2) and 330-GHz (3–2) emission toward SNRs, W44 and W51B/C. We found that the CI/CO and intensity ratio tends to be high in the SNR-cloud interaction region in W51B/C SNR. This fact might suggest the CI relative abundance is enhanced by the interaction, not only in the SNR IC 443, but also in W51B/C SNR.
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23 March 2001
24-27 May 2000
Seoul (Korea)
Research Article|
March 23 2001
Submillimeter-wave and millimeter-wave observations of the interaction of supernova remnants with molecular clouds
Ken’ichi Tatematsu;
Ken’ichi Tatematsu
1Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Nobeyama, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-1305, Japan
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Yuji Arikawa;
Yuji Arikawa
1Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Nobeyama, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-1305, Japan
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Yutaro Sekimoto
Yutaro Sekimoto
1Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Nobeyama, Minamisaku, Nagano 384-1305, Japan
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AIP Conf. Proc. 556, 382–388 (2001)
Ken’ichi Tatematsu, Yuji Arikawa, Yutaro Sekimoto; Submillimeter-wave and millimeter-wave observations of the interaction of supernova remnants with molecular clouds. AIP Conf. Proc. 23 March 2001; 556 (1): 382–388. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1368296
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