The measurement of the polarization of the accelerated proton beam at the Argonne ZGS has become a straightforward procedure. However, measurement of the polarization of a proton beam accelerated in a very high energy accelerator or stored in a very high energy storage ring seemed to be a more formidable problem. Various possible methods of measuring the polarization of multihundred GeV proton and deuteron beams were studied. For proton beams several methods seemed to be feasible; in particular, those using known or calculable electromagnetic effects appeared quite promising. The choice of polarimeters for deuteron beams was more limited. Stripping the deuterons to make beams of polarized protons or neutrons whose polarization could then be measured by known techniques is a possibility. The measurement of inelastic spin effects at FERMILAB and SPS using polarized proton targets or polrized hydrogen gas jets to search for a good spin analyzer was encouraged.

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