We present a global comparison of long term observations of the hard X-ray (20–100 keV), soft X-ray (1.5–12 keV), infrared (1–2 μm) and radio (2.25, 8.3 and 15 GHz) bands for the unusual X-ray binary Cygnus X-3. Data were obtained in the hard X-ray band from CGRO/BATSE, in the soft X-ray band from RXTE/ASM, in the radio band from the Green Bank Interferometer and Ryle Telescope and in the infrared band from various ground based observatories. Radio flares, quenched radio states and quiescent radio emission can all be associated with changes in the hard and soft X-ray intensity. The injection of plasma into the radio jet is directly related to changes in the hard and soft X-ray emission. The infrared observations are examined in the context of these findings.

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