A critical review is given for the K-N7 atomic level widths. The experimental level widths were collected from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), x-ray emission spectroscopy (XES), x-ray spectra fluoresced by synchrotron radiation, and photoelectrons from x-ray absorption (PAX). There are only limited atomic number ranges for a few atomic levels where data are available from more than one source. Generally the experimental level widths have large scatter compared to the reported error bars. The experimental data are compared with the recent tabulation of Perkins et al. and of Ohno et al. Ohno et al. performed a many body approach calculation for limited atomic number ranges and have obtained reasonable agreement with the experimental data. Perkins et al. presented a tabulation covering the K-Q1 shells of all atoms, based on extensions of the Scofield calculations for radiative rates and extensions of the Chen calculations for non-radiative rates. The experimental data are in disagreement with this tabulation, in excess of a factor of two in some cases. A short introduction to the experimental Coster-Kronig transition probabilities is presented. It is our opinion that the different experimental approaches result in systematically different experimental data.

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