Two tests for cosmological time dilation in γ-ray bursts—the peak alignment and auto-correlation statistics—involve averaging information near the times of peak intensity. Both tests require width corrections, assuming cosmological origin for bursts, since narrower temporal structure from higher energy would be redshifted into the band of observation, and since intervals between pulse structures are included in the averaging procedures. We analyze long BATSE bursts and estimate total width corrections for trial time-dilation factors by time-dilating and redshifting bright bursts. Both tests reveal significant trends of increasing TDF with decreasing peak flux, but neither provides sufficient discriminatory power to distinguish between actual TDFs in the range 2–3.
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1 August 1996
Gamma-ray bursts: 3rd Huntsville symposium
25-27 Oct 1995
Huntsville, Alabama (USA)
Research Article|
August 01 1996
Calibration of tests for time dilation in GRB pulse structures
J. P. Norris;
J. P. Norris
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
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R. J. Nemiroff;
R. J. Nemiroff
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia 22030
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J. T. Bonnell;
J. T. Bonnell
Universities Space Research Association
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J. D. Scargle
J. D. Scargle
NASA/Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California 94035
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AIP Conf. Proc. 384, 72–76 (1996)
J. P. Norris, R. J. Nemiroff, J. T. Bonnell, J. D. Scargle; Calibration of tests for time dilation in GRB pulse structures . AIP Conf. Proc. 1 August 1996; 384 (1): 72–76.
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