Understanding the Development of Diesel Generators Population growth and changing lifestyles have led to energy problems. Fossil fuels cause pollution. Improved fuel efficiency increases engine performance and reduces emissions. Fossil fuels cause pollution. Improved fuel efficiency increases engine performance and reduces emissions. Fossil fuels cause pollution. Improved fuel efficiency increases engine performance and reduces emissions. General research shows that the best fuel ratio is 20MEOM. 20MEOM oil can be blended with 50 ppm copper oxide nanoadditives to achieve a thermal efficiency of 2.19%. Reduces HC, CO and emissions. The rapid growth of the world population and changing lifestyles have led to an increase in the need for electricity, causing further pressure. Fossil fuels, the main energy source, have a positive impact on environmental pollution. To solve these problems, it is necessary to increase energy efficiency while reducing emissions. This article explores advances in diesel generators designed to solve these problems. Increasing fuel efficiency is considered an important factor in improving engine performance and reducing emissions. Extensive research has been conducted on the performance of specialty lubricants, especially 20MEOM, which exhibits excellent performance properties. Additionally, the inclusion of nano-additives such as 50 ppm copper oxide in 20MEOM fuel showed promise in improving thermal efficiency, with an increase of 2.19%. Additionally, this new method is effective in reducing pollutants including hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and other pollutants. By optimizing the fuel composition and adding nanoadditives, diesel generators can reduce their impact on the environment while improving performance.
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11 October 2024
20–21 March 2024
Coimbatore, India
Research Article|
October 11 2024
The impact of copper oxide nanoparticles on the performance of biodiesel-diesel blends in transportation
M. Sanjay;
M. Sanjay
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology(Autonomous)
, Namakkal, India
-637 215a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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K. Kavitha;
K. Kavitha
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology(Autonomous)
, Namakkal, India
-637 215
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S. P. Prasaanth;
S. P. Prasaanth
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology(Autonomous)
, Namakkal, India
-637 215
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K. M. Prasath;
K. M. Prasath
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology(Autonomous)
, Namakkal, India
-637 215
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C. Parthiban;
C. Parthiban
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology(Autonomous)
, Namakkal, India
-637 215
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B. Pradeep Kumar
B. Pradeep Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology(Autonomous)
, Namakkal, India
-637 215
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3221, 020003 (2024)
M. Sanjay, K. Kavitha, S. P. Prasaanth, K. M. Prasath, C. Parthiban, B. Pradeep Kumar; The impact of copper oxide nanoparticles on the performance of biodiesel-diesel blends in transportation. AIP Conf. Proc. 11 October 2024; 3221 (1): 020003. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0236767
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