Researchers have shown attention in Deep Learning approaches for Object Detection (OD) because of their implied strength in overcoming the drawbacks of traditional approaches that rely on handcrafted characteristics. This is due to the fact that Deep Learning approaches have the potential to overcome these drawbacks. Over the course of the last few years, Deep Learning algorithms have made significant strides forward in terms of object recognition. The most modern and efficient DL framework for object recognition is the topic of discussion in this research. Visual recognition systems, encompassing tasks such as picture categorization, picture native, and discovery, are indeed fundamental components of various applications across diverse domains. These systems have attracted significant academic interest due to their pivotal role in enabling a range of practical applications. Because of the significant progress that has been made in neural-networks, particularly in the arena of deep-learning, these visual recognition algorithms have acquired an exceptional level of performance. One of these fields, occupational diagnosis (OD), is one in which computer vision has been quite successful.
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9 January 2025
24–26 November 2022
Chennai, India
Research Article|
January 09 2025
Object detection in visual recognition system based on deep learning techniques
Nayan Patidar;
Nayan Patidar
Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amity University Rajasthan
, Jaipur-300202, India
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Sunil Pathak
Sunil Pathak
Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amity University Rajasthan
, Jaipur-300202, India
.b)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
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b)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3159, 020001 (2025)
Nayan Patidar, Sunil Pathak; Object detection in visual recognition system based on deep learning techniques. AIP Conf. Proc. 9 January 2025; 3159 (1): 020001.
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