This study used numerical method to examine how various shapes of nanoparticles impact heat transfer properties in the boundary layer flow of three-dimensional rotating hybrid nanofluids over a stretching sheet. It also explored the effects of heat generation, radiation, and chemical reactions. Three different shapes of SWCNTs nanoparticles are considered: spherical, cylindrical, and lamina, combined with the base fluids (ethylene glycol, engine oil and water), while Ag served as the hybrid nanoparticle. The system’s nonlinear partial differential equations are transformed into nonlinear ordinary differential equations using a similarity transformation. Numerical solutions for these equations are then obtained by employing the shooting technique in conjunction with Runge-Kutta Fehlberg algorithm. Graphical presentations are presented for various significant parameters, including rotation, stretching ratio, heat generation, and empirical shape factor, illustrating temperature and velocity profiles. The findings indicate that lamina nanoparticle shaped SWCNTs show better heat transfer performance compared to cylindrical and spherical shapes. Besides that, hybrid nanofluids enhance temperature distribution and heat transfer rate when compared to both nanofluids and basic fluids.
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13 September 2024
16–17 May 2023
Bangi, Malaysia
Research Article|
September 13 2024
Effect of nanoparticle shapes on improving heat transfer in hybrid nanofluids containing Ag-SWCNTs with etylene glycol, engine oil and water
Adnan Nur Atikah;
Adnan Nur Atikah
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
, 84600 Panchor, Johor, Malaysia
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Aman Fazlina;
Aman Fazlina
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
, 84600 Panchor, Johor, Malaysia
b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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R. Kandasamy
R. Kandasamy
School of Applied Sciences and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi Brunei
, Jalan Tungku Link, BE1410, Brunei Darul Salam
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AIP Conf. Proc. 3150, 030001 (2024)
Adnan Nur Atikah, Aman Fazlina, R. Kandasamy; Effect of nanoparticle shapes on improving heat transfer in hybrid nanofluids containing Ag-SWCNTs with etylene glycol, engine oil and water. AIP Conf. Proc. 13 September 2024; 3150 (1): 030001.
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