The mathematical thinking processes of prospective teachers in solving mathematical problems vary, especially the thinking processes they expect from their students. The four stages of the Wallas Model creative thinking process are preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. The purpose of this research is to describe the creative thinking process that prospective teachers expected from their students in solving mathematical problems based on the Wallas model. The research technique employed is a mixed-methods approach. The participants in this study were 34 aspiring math teachers in mathematics education study program at Ibrahimy University. The Miles and Huberman model was used to evaluate the data collected from observation, test results, and interviews was confirmed using triangulation. The results of this study show that:(1) Prospective teachers expect their students to be able to carry out the four steps of the Wallas model of the creative thinking process when solving mathematical problems; (2) the expectations of the subject of the majority of high groups want students to be able to meet all stages of the Wallas model; (3) medium and low group subject expectations tend to desire the three-stage Wallas model reasonably; (4) the percentage of achievement indicator of the thinking process creative expected by prospective teachers to students in problem-solving based on the Wallas model were obtained for Preparation (73.53%), Incubation (91.18%), Illumination (82.35%), and Verification (44.12%). This research results findings should be followed up in a teacher or lecturer meeting to learn students’ creative thinking expectations in mathematics and other disciplines.
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3 December 2024
23–24 September 2023
Jember, Indonesia
Research Article|
December 03 2024
Wallas model problem-solving to identify prospective mathematics teachers ’expectations of students’ creative thinking processes
Mohammad Tohir;
Mohammad Tohir
Mathematics Education, Ibrahimy University
, Situbondo, East Java 68374, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Muhasshanah Muhasshanah;
Muhasshanah Muhasshanah
Information Technology, Ibrahimy University
, Situbondo, East Java 68374, Indonesia
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Ahmad Choirul Anam;
Ahmad Choirul Anam
Mathematics Education, Ibrahimy University
, Situbondo, East Java 68374, Indonesia
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Leni Agustina Daulay;
Leni Agustina Daulay
Mathematics Education, State Islamic Institute of Takengon
, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
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Wahyu Sardjono
Wahyu Sardjono
Information System Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program - Master of Information Systems Management. Bina Nusantara University
, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3148, 040009 (2024)
Mohammad Tohir, Muhasshanah Muhasshanah, Ahmad Choirul Anam, Leni Agustina Daulay, Wahyu Sardjono; Wallas model problem-solving to identify prospective mathematics teachers ’expectations of students’ creative thinking processes. AIP Conf. Proc. 3 December 2024; 3148 (1): 040009.
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