The risk of punching shear collapse is regarded as a serious threat to the building’s stability. Due to inadequate planning or constraints on the construction site, overloaded construction may have detrimental effects on the structure’s stability and the economy. This type of structural failure is most frequently observed on concrete slabs. In order to ensure the stability of buildings, it is essential to recognize the indicators of impending collapse. In this paper, the results of a nonlinear finite element analysis of connections between flat plates and columns made of reinforced concrete are presented. ANSYS, a finite element analysis program, is used to perform a simulation using experiment data extracted from the literature. The objective is to enhance the shear resistance in flat plates through non-linear analysis utilizing the finite element method in the ANSYS program. Through the creation of a succession of finite element models, a parametric study of interior flat plate-column connections is conducted. In a parametric study, various varieties of flat plate slab and column dimensions are examined to determine how the ratio of flexural reinforcement, flat plate thickness and effective depth, column size, and concrete compressive strength impact their behavior. The test results were utilized to determine the effectiveness of the experiment. Various design specification codes, such as ACI 318-19, BS 8110.10, and CAN3-A23.08, are compared with one another and empirical data to determine the punching shear load capacity of flat plate-column connections. The ANSYS modeling result appears to be an accord outcome that reflects the structural behavior, which can effectively play a role in strengthening the punching shear of the interior column during the design.
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7 August 2024
28–30 August 2023
Istanbul, Turkey
Research Article|
August 07 2024
The finite element analysis-based on ANSYS simulation of a flat plate connection subject to interior column punching shear
Khalid Swalem;
Khalid Swalem
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Gulf of Sidra University
, Ben Jawwad, Libya
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Ahmed Ashour Rhouma Abdulnabi;
Ahmed Ashour Rhouma Abdulnabi
Civil Engineering and Transportation, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology
, Lublin, Poland
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli
, Tripoli, Libya
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Abdualhamid Alsharif
Abdualhamid Alsharif
Civil Engineering and Transportation, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology
, Lublin, Poland
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Elmergib University
, Alkhums, Libya
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3125, 020008 (2024)
Khalid Swalem, Ahmed Ashour Rhouma Abdulnabi, Abdualhamid Alsharif; The finite element analysis-based on ANSYS simulation of a flat plate connection subject to interior column punching shear. AIP Conf. Proc. 7 August 2024; 3125 (1): 020008.
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