The use of digital technology in the school context is driving changes in classroom management, teachers, and students. The teacher is the main actor in this process. Studies on classroom management change and innovation suggest several variables that impact learning, and schools must understand the results of the diffusion of these innovations. This study uses a qualitative approach and a detailed investigation of certain situations through cases to study events in detail about the use of digital technology in classroom management. Interviews were given to several school administrators, including principals, teachers, and students from secondary schools. The results are that learning using digital technology after COVID-19 has significantly impacted students using digital technology. Students can manage their time and participate in class, and teachers can use digital technology in online classes and practice in traditional classrooms so that students understand and understand learning. Moreover, the evaluation carried out by the school allows an established learning model so that the diffusion of innovation in the management class has a significant impact. Future research can add to the curriculum and education system.
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24 October 2024
19 December 2022
Medan, Indonesia
Research Article|
October 24 2024
The impact of diffusion of innovation on classroom management
M. Ali Ghufron;
M. Ali Ghufron
Faculty of English Language, Universitas Indraprasta
, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Harisa Mardiana
Harisa Mardiana
Faculty of Science & Technology, Universitas Buddhi Dharma
, Tangerang, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3098, 020017 (2024)
M. Ali Ghufron, Harisa Mardiana; The impact of diffusion of innovation on classroom management. AIP Conf. Proc. 24 October 2024; 3098 (1): 020017.
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