Photovoltaic (PV) generators convert solar energy into electrical energy using the photoelectric effect. However, only a portion of the incident energy is converted into electrical energy, with up to 24 % conversion efficiency on the commercial panels. A significant portion of the incident energy is converted into heat on the PV panel, causing the cell temperature to rise above the ambient temperature by up to 30 ◦C. During normal operation, the operating point on the current-voltage (I−U ) curve lies at the maximum power point (MPP). However, the PV module can operate at points outside the MPP, including two extreme points: the short circuit and the open circuit. Of particular interest is the open circuit regime, in which the PV panel can stay on for an extended period of time. In this study, we analyzed the problem of increasing PV cell temperature in three characteristic points: MPP, short circuit and open circuit. We used a single-diode model of the PV cell to analyze power losses in individual components for all operating points on the I−U curve. Based on this analysis, we estimated the sources of PV panel heating. Measurements were performed on three panels of the same model under the same ambient conditions, with each panel at a different operating point. Our results showed that the cell temperature at the MPP ranged from 24 to 27.8 ◦C above the ambient temperature. At the short circuit point the range was 28.8 to 34.4 ◦C and at the open circuit point, it was 30.6 to 35.1 ◦C.
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21 February 2024
21–23 June 2023
Kavala, Greece
Research Article|
February 21 2024
Thermal stress of photovoltaic panels
Abdulah Akšamović;
Abdulah Akšamović
University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Search for other works by this author on:
Senad Odžak;
Senad Odžak
University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Science
, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Almasa Odžak;
Almasa Odžak
University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Science
, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Ajdin Fejzić
Ajdin Fejzić
University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3063, 020001 (2024)
Abdulah Akšamović, Senad Odžak, Almasa Odžak, Ajdin Fejzić; Thermal stress of photovoltaic panels. AIP Conf. Proc. 21 February 2024; 3063 (1): 020001.
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