In recent years, Laser based underwater communication is used as a best tool for mining the mysterious ocean atmosphere for gathering different types of information. Unmanned underwater vehicles are deployed underwater for this purpose. Laser based data transmission and reception gives a better way of communication utilizing the very interesting properties of it. Real time videos of Deep Ocean are captured using sensors and cameras and may be transferred to another UUV or equipment placed at land. This real time video transfer requires a feasible high speed with high data rate communication technique. This paper tries to implement a high speed underwater laser communication link by utilizing the USB based data transfer with the aid of lab-VIEW programming. The major objectives of the research are to study, compare the various underwater wireless technologies, design and development of UW laser communication link using USB based data transfer, to evaluate the communication link performance in varying simulated water conditions like pure, coastal and turbid waters, evaluate the link with data like text, images, audio and video files, bit Error rate analysis. Another objective is to introduce an IoUT concept with high data rate and low bit error rate. Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is defined as a network of smart interconnected underwater objects for monitoring/carrying out underwater operations. IoUT enables a system of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) communicating with each other, sensing, collecting and transmitting data to control centers above the surface at regular Internet speeds.
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26 January 2024
1–2 December 2022
Kerala, India
Research Article|
January 26 2024
High speed underwater laser communication utilizing USB based data transmission and the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) framework
Asha Krishna Panicker;
Asha Krishna Panicker
Department of ECE, College of Engineering Kidangoor
, (CAPE) Kerala, India
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Priyanka Radha Ravi
Priyanka Radha Ravi
Department of ECE, College of Engineering Aranmula
, (CAPE) Kerala, India
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3059, 030015 (2024)
Asha Krishna Panicker, Priyanka Radha Ravi; High speed underwater laser communication utilizing USB based data transmission and the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) framework. AIP Conf. Proc. 26 January 2024; 3059 (1): 030015.
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