Academic burnout is considered to be a factor that influences students’ performance, especially in chemistry subject. This research aims to study the level of academic burnout among 11th science grade students at one of secondary school in Karawang on chemistry subjects. Using a descriptive quantitative method, the study determines the level of academic burnout of 241 students. Gender is also measured to see whether there are any differences in the level of academic burnout. The instrument used in this study is adapted from Maslach Burnout Inventory Student-Survey (MBI-SS). Using descriptive statistical analysis, it was found that the level of academic burnout among the students is in the medium category (72%). Moreover, the results of the Mann-Whitney test showed that the academic burnout level of male students was higher (M=126,14) than female students (M=119,02). However, there are no significant differences in academic burnout between male and female students (0,4777>α (0,05)). This result informs the need to consider students’ academic burnout in the teaching and learning process, especially in chemistry subjects. Further research is critically needed to reduce burnout among the students.
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5 April 2024
25–26 October 2022
Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Research Article|
April 05 2024
Academic burnout in chemistry subject: A case study of 11th-grade students
Alief Rizkania Illah;
Alief Rizkania Illah
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University
, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Dila Fairusi;
Dila Fairusi
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University
, Jakarta, Indonesia
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Salamah Agung
Salamah Agung
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University
, Jakarta, Indonesia
a)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3058, 040024 (2024)
Alief Rizkania Illah, Dila Fairusi, Salamah Agung; Academic burnout in chemistry subject: A case study of 11th-grade students. AIP Conf. Proc. 5 April 2024; 3058 (1): 040024.
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