Human activities have warmed the earth [2] and therefore, the way of life which is defined as the set of usual practical choices in an organizational and technical community system [3]. The way of life is defined in terms of consumption types or activity types. In Côte d'Ivoire, transport activity represents 18.22% of all activities in the country by 2030 GHG's emissions [4] and fuel consumption (Gasoline, lamp oil, diesel fuel) in 2019 in the district of Abidjan represents 54.01% of national consumption [11]. This study on direct CO2 emissions for passenger transport over one kilometer for each 10 transport modes in the city of Abidjan, follows a survey carried out in 2019 [1]. The results in ascending order are 14.88 CO2/ for Monbus, 25.35 CO2/ for Confort+, 31.83 CO2/ for Gbaka, 36.65 CO2/ for Express, 53.22 CO2/ for Wibus, 62.56 CO2/ for Intercommunal taxi, 81.47 CO2/ for Monbato, 107.55 CO2/ for Communal taxi, 159.16 CO2/ for Personal car and 253.93 CO2/ for Taxi. The specific emissions of all Sotra buses is 20.88 CO2/ and 26.95 CO2/ for all Sotra buses and Gbaka. The CO2 emission factor for all terrestrial passenger transport modes in the city of Abidjan is 71.07g CO2/MJ. The more the occupancy rate of a transport mode increases, the more its specific CO2 emissions decrease. The Abidjan person who wants to reduce his environmental impact must avoid using the Personal car and Taxi transport modes and use only the Gbaka and Sotra service buses for their road transportation vehicle.
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8 November 2023
8–10 March 2023
Metz, France
Research Article|
November 08 2023
Energy and environmental impact of the way of life in Côte d'Ivoire: Case of direct CO2 emissions in Abidjan modes of transport
Kouamé Norbert N’guessan;
Kouamé Norbert N’guessan
National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Yamoussoukro (INP-HB)
, Umri 18, Yamoussoukro, BP 1093, Ivory Coast
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Christelle Périlhon;
Christelle Périlhon
National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Cnam)
, Lifse, 292 rue St Martin (case 2D3R20), Paris, France
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Kouadio Alphonse Diango;
Kouadio Alphonse Diango
National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Yamoussoukro (INP-HB)
, Umri 18, Yamoussoukro, BP 1093, Ivory Coast
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Yao N’guessan;
Yao N’guessan
National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Yamoussoukro (INP-HB)
, Umri 18, Yamoussoukro, BP 1093, Ivory Coast
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Hié Koumayo;
Hié Koumayo
National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Yamoussoukro (INP-HB)
, Umri 18, Yamoussoukro, BP 1093, Ivory Coast
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Mohamed Koïta Sako
Mohamed Koïta Sako
National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouet-Boigny of Yamoussoukro (INP-HB)
, Umri 18, Yamoussoukro, BP 1093, Ivory Coast
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 3018, 020023 (2023)
Kouamé Norbert N’guessan, Christelle Périlhon, Kouadio Alphonse Diango, Yao N’guessan, Hié Koumayo, Mohamed Koïta Sako; Energy and environmental impact of the way of life in Côte d'Ivoire: Case of direct CO2 emissions in Abidjan modes of transport. AIP Conf. Proc. 8 November 2023; 3018 (1): 020023.
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