The aim of the work is to develop recipe compositions of meat-growing minced meat based on rabbit meat in combination with a vegetable component in the form of hemp flour. The object of the study is meat-growing minced meat from rabbit meat with the addition of hemp flour in an amount of up to 30%. The subject of the study is organoleptic parameters, water absorption capacity, water binding capacity, fat-holding capacity, pH, adhesion and stability of minced meat with the addition of a vegetable component. The influence of various dosages of hemp flour application on the organoleptic and functional-technological parameters of the stuffing system is investigated. During the organoleptic evaluation, a sample of meat-growing minced meat containing hemp flour in an amount of 15% received the maximum number of points. The addition of hemp flour to the minced rabbit meat system leads to an increase in water binding capacity by 19.4%, water absorption capacity by 28.3%, fat-holding capacity by 15.0%. The introduction of hemp flour into the stuffing system contributes to an increase in its adhesion by 47.2% and the stability of the stuffing by 9.0%. The amount of introduced hemp flour necessary to achieve the best quality indicators of the considered stuffing system was 15% instead of the meat part. The use of hemp flour in the production of chopped semi-finished products allows you to expand the range of dietary, gluten-free products, save meat raw materials and get products with high consumer properties.
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15 December 2023
5–7 October 2022
Stavropol, Russia
Research Article|
December 15 2023
Study of the properties of meat-growing minced meat systems based on rabbit meat
Michael Schetinin;
Michael Schetinin
Moscow State University of Food Production
, Moscow, Russia
Search for other works by this author on:
Marina Vaytanis;
Marina Vaytanis
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
, Barnaul, Russia
Altai State University
, Barnaul, Russia
b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Olga Musina;
Olga Musina
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
, Barnaul, Russia
Altai State University
, Barnaul, Russia
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Zoja Khodyreva
Zoja Khodyreva
Polzunov Altai State Technical University
, Barnaul, Russia
Altai State University
, Barnaul, Russia
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b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2931, 020009 (2023)
Michael Schetinin, Marina Vaytanis, Olga Musina, Zoja Khodyreva; Study of the properties of meat-growing minced meat systems based on rabbit meat. AIP Conf. Proc. 15 December 2023; 2931 (1): 020009.
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