The Panji Museum is an art and cultural Museum that stores the cultural heritage of Panji in the form of literary and visual arts. However, this Museum still has many shortcomings in terms of visual aesthetics and education. Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that can combine the real world with the virtual. This technology can be used on mobile devices and applied to various media and places, including the Panji Museum. This research aims to create mobile application design as an education media. The use of AR can increase visitor interaction with museum objects so that it can make it easier for visitors to get information about museum objects. Design thinking methods were used to describe the designing process of mobile application visualization. The quantitative method was used in this research by using questionnaires. The research was conducted by visiting the location and defining the main shortcomings of the Panji Museum. The analysis was also carried out by examining the existing education system at the Panji Museum and its relationship to visitor interest. The results of this study are expected to help the development of the Panji Museum as an educational medium.
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26 March 2024
23–24 August 2022
Malang, Indonesia
Research Article|
March 26 2024
Study on Panji Museum through augmented reality
Jonatan Danny Mulyadi;
Jonatan Danny Mulyadi
Visual Communication Design Department, Bina Nusantara University
, Jakarta, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected].d
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Yudhistya Ayu Kusumawati
Yudhistya Ayu Kusumawati
Visual Communication Design Department, Bina Nusantara University
, Jakarta, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected].d
AIP Conf. Proc. 2927, 060029 (2024)
Jonatan Danny Mulyadi, Yudhistya Ayu Kusumawati; Study on Panji Museum through augmented reality. AIP Conf. Proc. 26 March 2024; 2927 (1): 060029.
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