Ten approaches to the study of the domains of validity of motion models in a dynamic setting are proposed, such as the use of general optimization methods, the adaptation of methods of control theory of neural network algorithms and other methods of intellectual analysis to the formation, evaluation and optimization of domains of validity, the use of methods for assessing the state and predictive maintenance, methods classification, clustering, regression analysis, etc. The residuals of the model parameters in the form of dynamic coefficients, the residuals of system responses in the uncontrolled and controlled cases, state indicators in the framework of predictive maintenance, and the energy criterion - the controllability grammian of the system were used as criteria. The application of methods and criteria was tested on the task of forming UAV models, assessing their validity, identifying changes in these domains in the process of movement.
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October 06 2023
Construction and determination of dynamic characteristics of the models’ validity domain
I. K. Romanova-Bolshakova
I. K. Romanova-Bolshakova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
, 5/1, 2-ya Baumanskaya st., Moscow, 105005, Russia
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2833, 020012 (2023)
I. K. Romanova-Bolshakova; Construction and determination of dynamic characteristics of the models’ validity domain. AIP Conf. Proc. 6 October 2023; 2833 (1): 020012. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0151973
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