The goal of this study was to maximize the reflection coefficient and SWR of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna design employing Silicon dielectric medium at frequencies ranging from 4 to 5 GHz. SWR and reflection coefficient are optimized with high dielectric materials. Silicon materials had a significant impact on antenna radiation efficiency and SWR. Utilizing the Altair FEKO modelling tool, the Reflection Coefficient and SWR of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna using Silicon dielectric medium (n = 16) were compared to Alumina dielectric medium (n = 16). FEKO software was used to build the Dielectric Resonator Antenna using the Finite Element Method. The reflection coefficient and SWR were estimated by altering the FEM modal port feed base radius of Silicon medium. The proposed antenna had an 82 percent G power and a significance of 0.004. Silicon resonator antennas have a lower reflection coefficient (-25.65 dB) and lower SWR (1.0025 dB) than Alumina resonator antennas, which have a higher reflection coefficient (-22.7 dB) and higher SWR (1.29 dB). When compared to an Alumina media-based resonator antenna, this unique simulated antenna design attained high significance. The investigation of a resonator antenna utilising Silicon medium at frequencies ranging from 4 to 5 GHz results in a low reflection coefficient and low SWR. The reflection coefficient and SWR of a high frequency Silicon media based resonator antenna were optimized. These high-resonator antennas are employed in satellite systems and high-speed data transmission systems.
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21 November 2023
22–23 April 2022
Nandyal, India
Research Article|
November 21 2023
Comparative analysis on reflection coefficient (dB) and standing wave ratio (SWR) (dB) of Alumina medium dielectric resonator antenna with silicon medium dielectric resonator antenna for satellite systems at 4-5 GHz frequency
T. Naveen;
T. Naveen
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University
, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 602105, India
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Bhuvaneswari Balachander
Bhuvaneswari Balachander
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University
, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 602105, India
b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2821, 060023 (2023)
T. Naveen, Bhuvaneswari Balachander; Comparative analysis on reflection coefficient (dB) and standing wave ratio (SWR) (dB) of Alumina medium dielectric resonator antenna with silicon medium dielectric resonator antenna for satellite systems at 4-5 GHz frequency. AIP Conf. Proc. 21 November 2023; 2821 (1): 060023.
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