The aim of the project is to improve the V-I characteristics of a drain current of La2O3 and compared with SiO2 material by reducing the gate voltage of planar CNTFET. The Lanthanum oxide and silicon dioxide materials were chosen as a group having 20 samples per group respectively. A DFT tool is used to perform the drain current by changing gate v oltage. The independent T-Test was done which reveals that the Lanthanum oxide of a CNTFET (P = 0.222) was found significant compared with the Silicon dioxide material of CNTFET. The analysis found that Lanthanum oxide appeared to have significantly better efficiency than silicon dioxide from drains current. While La2O3 (mean = 105607.2085) has better V-I characteristics of a drain current compared with silicon dioxide (mean = 67911.11838).
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21 November 2023
22–23 April 2022
Nandyal, India
Research Article|
November 21 2023
Comparing V-I characteristics of planar CNTFET with La2O3 and SiO2 based material to improve drain current by varying drain voltage
M. M. Udhaya Kumar;
M. M. Udhaya Kumar
Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Saveetha School ofEngineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science, Saveetha University
, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
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C. Tamizhselvan
C. Tamizhselvan
Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Saveetha School ofEngineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science, Saveetha University
, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
-602105b)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
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b)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2821, 060019 (2023)
M. M. Udhaya Kumar, C. Tamizhselvan; Comparing V-I characteristics of planar CNTFET with La2O3 and SiO2 based material to improve drain current by varying drain voltage. AIP Conf. Proc. 21 November 2023; 2821 (1): 060019.
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