Steganography is considered as the craftsmanship and study of concealing restricted information on display secretly inside an honest cover information to guarantee security of communicated information over an organization. The word Steganography gets its starting point from two Greek words steganos and graphia, signifying "covered composition". The use of Steganography follows as far as possible back to past where it had been used by the romans and outdated Egyptians. Any advanced record like picture, video, sound, message or IP parcels can be utilized to conceal secret message. For the most part, the records used to conceal information is named as cover object, and for the documents containing secret message it is named as stego-object. Contrasted with different computerized designs, picture documents are simpler to find and have more significant level of twisting resistance over different kinds of records with high concealing limit because of the excess of advanced data portrayal of a picture information and accordingly it is supposed to be the most famous cover objects as of now. Steganography acquired unmistakable quality in the past few years because of the raising requirement for giving secret in a transparent environment like the internet. While anybody can notice the imparted information for what it's worth, Steganography intends to conceal the actual presence of the message and makes correspondence imperceptible. Different strategies are utilized to encrypt data like cryptography that expects to scramble the data sent, consequently making it unreadable while Steganography is utilized to conceal the data so nobody can detect its reality. Among the algorithms that is utilized to get data both Steganography and cryptography secure a piece of information. Steganography has numerous specialized difficulties like high concealing limit and imperceptibility. The modified least significant bit (LSB) replacement technique for information hiding. Normal LSB method involves the least significant bit of successive pixels for immerse the message which draws speculation to transferral of out of sight message. Assuming the doubt is raised, then, at that point, the objective of steganography is crushed. Considering LSB method as the most basic one, it's widely utilized everywhere. In our execution pixels to be subbed with data are chosen randomly which makes it better than the traditional methodology. The potency of the computation is moreover extended by using keyless steganography. This article proposes a cleverprocedure to conceal data in a 24 bpp RGB picture utilizing changed LSB replacement strategy.
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2 June 2023
3–5 March 2022
Jaipur, India
Research Article|
June 02 2023
A novel block based compression scheme for data hiding using lossless steganography
Jeslin Libisha Jose Antony Raj;
Jeslin Libisha Jose Antony Raj
Department of BME, Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology
, Coimbatore, India
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Sundar Ramakrishnan;
Sundar Ramakrishnan
Department of BME, Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology
, Coimbatore, India
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Divya Abirami Ramasubbu;
Divya Abirami Ramasubbu
, Pune, India
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Vigneshwaran Sathishkumar;
Vigneshwaran Sathishkumar
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr.N.G.P Institute of Technology
, Coimbatore, India
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Ram Kumar Chenthur
Ram Kumar Chenthur
Department of BME, Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology
, Coimbatore, India
a)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2760, 020007 (2023)
Jeslin Libisha Jose Antony Raj, Sundar Ramakrishnan, Divya Abirami Ramasubbu, Vigneshwaran Sathishkumar, Ram Kumar Chenthur; A novel block based compression scheme for data hiding using lossless steganography. AIP Conf. Proc. 2 June 2023; 2760 (1): 020007.
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