One of the electric vehicles that have been developed is a silent tactical vehicle. This vehicle is useful for military vehicles that can be used for silent operations, such as terrorist raids. This vehicle is equipped with pneumatic bullet launcher that can be used as destroy obstacle. This vehicle is silent vehicle and called Sergap Senyap vehicle. This paper describes the performance of military electric car that was conducted by experimentaly. This vehicle have been tested both on the road and off the road and described the performance of bullet launcher. From the tests carried out both on road and off road, it can be seen that the longer the battery charging, the farther the distance obtained. The relationship between distance and battery charging duration is linear between 50 minutes to 150 minutes of battery charging time, but when the battery is charging above 200 minutes, the mileage tends to be constant. This shows that the battery capacity has a maximum limit. In testing the effect of pressure on the ejection distance of the bullet The higher the pressure, the faster the piston pushes and the greater the kinetic energy given to the bullet so that the ejection distance is further away.
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20 August 2024
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN (ICGTD) 2021: Human Behavior and Its Relevance in Technology and Design Research for Supporting the Recovery of Post-Pandemic Environment
2–3 December 2021
Bandung, Indonesia
Research Article|
August 20 2024
Experimental study of military electric car performance
Tarsisius Kristyadi;
Tarsisius Kristyadi
Mechanical Engineering Departement Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Muh. Alexin Putra;
Muh. Alexin Putra
Mechanical Engineering Departement Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
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Liman Hartawan
Liman Hartawan
Mechanical Engineering Departement Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2744, 040002 (2024)
Tarsisius Kristyadi, Muh. Alexin Putra, Liman Hartawan; Experimental study of military electric car performance. AIP Conf. Proc. 20 August 2024; 2744 (1): 040002.
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