As technology has increased these social media has become vast plat for people to share their views, thought, and twitter has become one the best social media plat form where people are sharing their thoughts, views and their emotions publically, that’s why twitter has become one of the best platform where group of people will share their thought about leader, or a trending news or about politics and religion, education etc the fast in the number of web user, In today’s world has an huge measure of data produce by the inhabitants. This information plays vital role when it comes for selling a product, country’s election, differentiating fake news and real news through twitter. Bias detection where we identify the statement Toanalysis these kind of data, deep estimation analysis is used. The aim is to find the opinion of the people by taking the data and classify it according to its divergence, i.e. the tweets will get divided into positive negative and neutral, it will help to know the opinion of the people, and mentality of the people.
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13 February 2024
24–26 December 2021
Chennai, India
Research Article|
February 13 2024
Deep study of estimation analysis on Twitter data
Ayesha Siddiqua Killedar;
Ayesha Siddiqua Killedar
School of CSE and IT, REVA University
, Bengaluru, India
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Bhaskar Reddy
Bhaskar Reddy
School of CSE and IT, REVA University
, Bengaluru, India
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2742, 020105 (2024)
Ayesha Siddiqua Killedar, Bhaskar Reddy; Deep study of estimation analysis on Twitter data. AIP Conf. Proc. 13 February 2024; 2742 (1): 020105.
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