The purposes of this study are: 1) to analyze the difference in the effect of using the Self Regulated Learning (SRL) learning approach on mathematics learning achievement in solid figure materials for class VI students of Elementary School; 2) to analyze the difference in the effect of high learning motivation with low learning motivation on students learning achievement; 3) analyze the effect of the SRL learning approach with student learning motivation together on learning achievement. The research design used in this experimental research is a quantitative model in the form of a Quasy Experimental Design. This research was carried out in elementary schools in Grobogan Regency, Indoneszzia. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires, interviews, and tests. Data analysis used quantitative analysis. The result of this research was that self-regulated learning (SRL) has a positive effect on learning achievement in mathematics in solid figure materials by 45.6% with a tcount value of 6,339 > ttable 2,010. in addition, learning motivation has a positive effect on learning achievement in mathematics in solid figure materials by 45.4% with a tcount value of 6,315 > ttable 2,010. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the SRL learning approach and learning motivation on students’ mathematics learning achievement.
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28 June 2023
3–4 December 2021
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Research Article|
June 28 2023
The effect of self-regulated learning (SRL) and learning motivation to students’ mathematics learning achievements
Masters of Elementary Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muria Kudus
, Kudus, Indonesia
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Fitri Budi Suryani;
Fitri Budi Suryani
Masters of Elementary Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muria Kudus
, Kudus, Indonesia
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Irfai Fathurohman;
Irfai Fathurohman
Masters of Elementary Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muria Kudus
, Kudus, Indonesia
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Ratri Rahayu
Ratri Rahayu
Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muria Kudus
, Kudus, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2733, 030026 (2023)
Sumarwoto, Fitri Budi Suryani, Irfai Fathurohman, Ratri Rahayu; The effect of self-regulated learning (SRL) and learning motivation to students’ mathematics learning achievements. AIP Conf. Proc. 28 June 2023; 2733 (1): 030026.
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