An approach called the “stability index” was proposed by Podvigina and Ashwin in the year 2011 is very useful to characterize the local geometry of riddled basins of attraction for dynamical systems. With the stability index, one can study the behaviour of a dynamical system. It would be interesting to understand how the stability index behaves on the basin boundary between multiple basins of attraction. In this paper, the stability index is applied in the case of the ecological model. A two-species of competition system is considered, in which this system contains two attractors. To characterize the geometry of the basin of attraction, the stability index is applied. The results show that as a parameter in the system increases, the stability indices vary from infinity down to positive values to minus infinity. The changes in the indices indicate that the attractor loses its stability from being asymptotically stable to riddled basin attractor to totally unstable.
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24 May 2023
24–26 August 2021
Kuantan, Malaysia
Research Article|
May 24 2023
Application of stability index in characterizing the basin of attraction in ecological modelling
Ummu Atiqah Mohd Roslan
Ummu Atiqah Mohd Roslan
Management Science Research Group, Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatics, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2692, 020002 (2023)
Ummu Atiqah Mohd Roslan; Application of stability index in characterizing the basin of attraction in ecological modelling. AIP Conf. Proc. 24 May 2023; 2692 (1): 020002.
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