Previous research conducted by Suci Frisnoiry and Muhammad Badzlan Darari revealed that online learning using LMS Moodle can increase student motivation and learning achievement and the right content of activities and learning resources can also shape student learning attitudes. Because self-directed learning is part of a learning attitude, while there were few studies about students’ self-directed learning, especially when online learning at the State University of Medan. Meanwhile, students’ self-directed learning is a skill that is needed in online learning. This study was conducted to describe the effectiveness of the students’ self-directed learning questionnaire in the Mathematics Education Study Program at the State University of Medan. The questionnaire was developed as an answer to concerns about students’ self-directed learning in the online learning process during the pandemic. The questionnaire was compiled based on 9 criteria, namely; 1) learning initiatives, 2) Diagnosing learning needs, 3) Setting learning targets and goals, 4) Monitoring, organizing, and controlling, 5) Seeing difficulties as challenges, 6) Utilizing and finding relevant learning resources, 7) Selecting and assigning learning strategies, 8) Evaluating learning processes and outcomes, and 9) appropriate self-efficacy. These indicators are by the questions published by Murray Fisher. Findings from the responses given by students revealed that students’ self-directed learning attitudes were influenced by several factors. A very important factor is the initiative in learning and how students organize and control the lecture process independently. Giving a self-directed learning questionnaire had an effect on the process and personality attributes of students which ultimately lead to internal motivation.
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29 November 2022
3 November 2021
Medan, Indonesia
Research Article|
November 29 2022
Online questionnaire to measure self directed learning of mathematics education students in State University of Medan
Muhammad Badzlan Darari;
Muhammad Badzlan Darari
Mathematics Education Program, State University of Medan
, Jl. Willem lskandar Psr V Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Kana Saputra
Kana Saputra
Mathematics Education Program, State University of Medan
, Jl. Willem lskandar Psr V Medan Estate, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2659, 110007 (2022)
Muhammad Badzlan Darari, Kana Saputra; Online questionnaire to measure self directed learning of mathematics education students in State University of Medan. AIP Conf. Proc. 29 November 2022; 2659 (1): 110007.
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