Departure of the waste materials into the atmosphere honestly can cause ecological pollution and problem. The waste can be usedto produce new products so that natural assets are used more economically, and the atmosphere is protected from waste deposit. Marble industries producing both slurry waste and solid waste materials. solid wastes are rejecting at the mine fields, marble stone slurry is a partially liquid material it is consisting of fine particle originate from the sawing and the polishing processes and water quantity is used to cooling and oil the polishing machines and sewing machine. As per the study marbles produces output of 7 million tones. So, we need to see industries also must change towards more sustainable development practices. This marble wastedumped in the nearby land area, and it causes environmental pollution and also sometimes nature of the soil is also infected. And coming to demolished waste due to fast urbanization of nearby cities old structures will be demolishing and leaving into the open places it's also causes the environmental effect and harmful to the soil. However, demolished concrete is recycled or reused is good for the environment now days. The present work of the results of my Experimental investigation worked for calculation of the outcome of partial replacement of cement and coarse aggregate by different parts of demolished wastes and marble powder on strength and workability of concrete. M20 Grade of concrete Mix Design used as per the Indian Standard 10232-2009 code and Indian standard 456-200 code. The compressive strength and tensile strength of concrete seven; fourteen-and twenty-eight-day's workability in conditions of slump value was calculated. Compressive strength of the concrete mixes was measured on150mmx150mmx150mm cubes and tension test (split tensile test 150 mm x 300 mm cylinders, flexure strength 750x150mmx150mm Rectangular prisms used). The strength of concrete with 5 percent, 15 percent and 25 percent, Coarse aggregate replacement by demolished waste coarse aggregate at seven, fourteen and twenty-eight days is compared to that of conventional concrete.
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29 November 2022
26–27 November 2021
Hyderabad, India
Research Article|
November 29 2022
Experimental study on partial replacement of cement with using marble powder and coarse aggregate with demolished waste
K. Thangamani;
K. Thangamani
KG Reddy College of Engineering and Technology
, Moinabad, Hyderabad, India
a)Corresponding authors: [email protected]
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N. Naveen Kumar;
N. Naveen Kumar
Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology
, Himayath sagar, Hyderabad, India
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T. S. Ramesh Babu
T. S. Ramesh Babu
KG Reddy College of Engineering and Technology
, Moinabad, Hyderabad, India
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2648, 020032 (2022)
K. Thangamani, N. Naveen Kumar, T. S. Ramesh Babu; Experimental study on partial replacement of cement with using marble powder and coarse aggregate with demolished waste. AIP Conf. Proc. 29 November 2022; 2648 (1): 020032.
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