Every building encounters the danger and risk of fire, especially building with more complete functions, which is the more diverse the activities, the higher the security demands, so the more complete the fire protection system needed, for the safety of users, managers, and the building itself. Each building must fulfill administrative and technical requirements comprise building layout and building reliability requirements, including the integrated building U2A Teuku Umar University which is the center of teaching and learning activities for students and the academic community. This building consists of 4 (four) floors and has 74 classrooms. Fire safety system identification and assessment results in the U2A building based on guidelines for building safety inspection Pd-T-11-2005-C already completed and shows Building Safety System Reliability Value (NKSKB) is 42.97% and in the deficient category (K), which underlies the purpose of this study, that is recommendation and design for two fire safety components namely site completeness (water supply and access) and Means of Egress. The method used in this research is layout design and recommendation for the two fire safety components in the Integrated U2A UTU building refers to Ministerial Regulation No. 26/PRT/M/2008, SNI 03-1735-2000, SNI 03-1746-2000, and NFPA 1 (National Fire Protection Association). The results show that in site completeness, water supply must provide new water source, reservoir, fire hydrant protection as well as Indoor Hydrant Box and all pump installation needed. In the access road, 2 (two) marking points for fire engines with the addition of 4 (four) private hydrants must be provided and function optimally. The design of Means of Egress in the form of marking of exit facilities for each floor and the evacuation route plan will be placed in all levels of the building. The implementation of a fire safety system in the U2A integrated building must meet fire safety system standards to prevent and minimize the impact of fires.

RI No. 28 Tahun 2002
, (
), pp.
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing
Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor: 26/PRT/M/2008
Department of Public Works
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan PU
Pedoman Konstruksi dan Bangunan Pd-T-11-2005-C
Department of public Works
, “Tingkat Keandalan Sistem Keselamatan Kebakaran Pada Gedung Kuliah Terintegrasi U2A Universitas Teuku Umar”,
Universitas Teuku Umar
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