Nowadays, environmental pollution is still increasing in line with using styrofoam in various industrial fields. Styrofoam waste is one of the municipal solid wastes (MSW) because of the difficulties to decompose naturally. However, the styrofoam waste recycling process has not been efficient comparing the increasing of its consumption. This research proposes a method for recycling styrofoam waste into cigarette filters. Nanofiber made of styrofoam waste aiming air filtration applications have been successfully developed by the previous study. To obtain various nanofiber morphologies and the diameters, we employ the physical parameters of the electrospinning technique including voltage, flow rate, and distance of the needle and collector. The cigarette filtering test has been carried out by employing a pump as an inhaler cigarette smoke. The smoke is flowing through to the artificial tube passed to the styrofoam nanofiber.
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23 August 2023
23 October–25 September 2020
Lampung, Indonesia
Research Article|
August 23 2023
Nanofiber from styrofoam waste for cigarette filter applications
Okky Fajar Tri Maryana;
Okky Fajar Tri Maryana
Department Physics, Faculty of Science, Institut Teknologi Sumatera
, Lampung, Indonesia
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Abdul Rajak;
Abdul Rajak
Department Physics, Faculty of Science, Institut Teknologi Sumatera
, Lampung, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Deska Lismawenning Puspitarum;
Deska Lismawenning Puspitarum
Department Physics, Faculty of Science, Institut Teknologi Sumatera
, Lampung, Indonesia
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Harlina Ardiyanti;
Harlina Ardiyanti
Department Physics, Faculty of Science, Institut Teknologi Sumatera
, Lampung, Indonesia
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Mitra Djamal
Mitra Djamal
Department Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Institut Teknologi Bandung
, Bandung, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2623, 020014 (2023)
Okky Fajar Tri Maryana, Abdul Rajak, Deska Lismawenning Puspitarum, Harlina Ardiyanti, Mitra Djamal; Nanofiber from styrofoam waste for cigarette filter applications. AIP Conf. Proc. 23 August 2023; 2623 (1): 020014.
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