The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the way students learn from face-to-face to online learning. This condition is a challenge for educators to provide online teaching materials. Teaching materials developed to facilitate students to learn independently. The characteristics of the teaching materials developed give students the freedom to learn and facilitate the development of their abilities and skills. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of blended learning-based laboratory inquiry teaching materials in improving students' self-regulated learning in terms of gender. This type of research is a quasi-experimental research. The test subjects in this study were class XI in one of the public high schools in Mataram City, which consisted of two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class, which consisted of 67 students. There are 34 male students and 33 female students. The data collection technique used a self-regulated learning questionnaire instrument. The instrument refers to seven indicators of self-regulated learning. Data analysis was carried out using N-gain and T-test. The results showed that blended learning-based laboratory inquiry teaching materials could increase students' self-regulated learning. Based on the results of the T test, there was a significant difference between the control class and the experimental class. The third self-regulated learning indicator, namely goal setting and planning, got the highest increase compared to other indicators. The second indicator, namely organization and information, obtained the lowest increase compared to other indicators. Self-regulated learning of male students is higher than female students. With the availability of online class media in the blended learning learning model that can be accessed anytime and anywhere by students, it can increase the readiness of students themselves before face-to-face learning in class takes place. Student activity also increases because by providing material earlier through media uploaded to online classes it will stimulate students to look for other material that is still related and be more active in asking things they do not understand.
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30 December 2022
THE 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE EDUCATION (ICoSEd 2021): Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) 2030: The Impacts, Challenges, and Strategies in Science Education
6 November 2021
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Research Article|
December 30 2022
Analysis of students' self-regulated learning in terms of gender using blended learning-based laboratory inquiry teaching materials
Agus Ramdani;
Agus Ramdani
Master of Science Education Program, Postgraduate Studies, University of Mataram
, Mataram, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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I. Putu Artayasa;
I. Putu Artayasa
Biology Education Program, FKIP, University of Mataram
, Mataram, Indonesia
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Ezha Vandia Sulawanti;
Ezha Vandia Sulawanti
Master of Science Education Program, Postgraduate Studies, University of Mataram
, Mataram, Indonesia
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M. Yustiqvar
M. Yustiqvar
Master of Science Education Program, Postgraduate Studies, University of Mataram
, Mataram, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2600, 070008 (2022)
Agus Ramdani, I. Putu Artayasa, Ezha Vandia Sulawanti, M. Yustiqvar; Analysis of students' self-regulated learning in terms of gender using blended learning-based laboratory inquiry teaching materials. AIP Conf. Proc. 30 December 2022; 2600 (1): 070008.
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