Smoke is one of the sources of free radicals. Increasing in free radical activity can be marked by an increase in alveolar damage. Free radicals can protect with antioxidants. One natural food element containing antioxidants is seed seagrass (E. acoroides). This research aims to know the effect of ethanol extract of seed E. acoroides in preventing alveolar damage of mice (M. musculus L) explained smoke cigarette. Using 15 mice for 5 of treatment group as follows negative control), positive control, dose 250 mg/g BW, dose 500 mg/g BW, and dose 750 mg/g BW. Results of this research show a photomicrograph alveolar of group M. musculus L, positive control showing enlarge alveolar, thickening of alveolar's wall, and infiltration of inflammatory cells in mice. While photomicrograph alveolar of mice group dose 500 mg/g BW and dose 750 mg/g BW showing to existence effect ethanol extract of seed E. acoroides as the antioxidant source in preventing infiltrator cells alveolar damage of mice by consequence of free radical by the smoke cigarette. The conclusion from this research is seed E. acoroides have the potential as an antioxidant in preventing alveolar damage of M. musculus L explained smoke cigarette. Giving an ethanol extract of seed E. acoroides with dose 750 mg/g BW to give an effective impact in preventing alveolar damage of consequence-free radical from smoke cigarette besides dose 250 mg/g BW.
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23 January 2023
23–24 November 2020
Ambon, Indonesia
Research Article|
January 23 2023
Alveolar performance of mice (Mus musculus) exposure to cigarette smoke after-treatment of ethanol extract of seagrass (Enhalus acoroides)
Marco Sitania;
Marco Sitania
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Pattimura
, Jl. Ir. Putuhena No 1. Poka Ambon, Indonesia
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Pieter Kakisina;
Pieter Kakisina
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Pattimura
, Jl. Ir. Putuhena No 1. Poka Ambon, Indonesia
b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Maria Nindatu;
Maria Nindatu
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Pattimura
, Jl. Ir. Putuhena No 1. Poka Ambon, Indonesia
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Mechiavel Moniharapon;
Mechiavel Moniharapon
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Pattimura
, Jl. Ir. Putuhena No 1. Poka Ambon, Indonesia
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Rony Marsyal Kunda
Rony Marsyal Kunda
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Pattimura
, Jl. Ir. Putuhena No 1. Poka Ambon, Indonesia
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b)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2588, 030001 (2023)
Marco Sitania, Pieter Kakisina, Maria Nindatu, Mechiavel Moniharapon, Rony Marsyal Kunda; Alveolar performance of mice (Mus musculus) exposure to cigarette smoke after-treatment of ethanol extract of seagrass (Enhalus acoroides). AIP Conf. Proc. 23 January 2023; 2588 (1): 030001.
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