Today's sago forests continue to shrink due to land-use changes for residential purposes. To address this issue, policymakers need to perform conservation efforts by selecting superior accessions for cultivation. This research aimed to characterize superior sago plants in Jayapura Regency based on the plant's morphological character. To this end, a descriptive method using the field survey technique was conducted. This research was conducted in Waibu District, Jayapura Regency. The external morphology served as the basis to distinguish sago accession in Waibu District, Jayapura Regency. The research result found four superior sago accessions, consisting of 2 spiny accessions (i.e., Batha and Poro accessions) and two non-spiny accessions (i.e., Wanny and Yebha). Poro accessions consist of 158 plants of 215.3 cm high and leaflet width of 12.2cm, the stalk diameter (150 cm) was the largest among all accessions. The highest dry starch production was found in Yebha and Batha accessions, producing 675.60 and 666.60 kg starch/tree. The highest production potential was found in Yebha and Batha accessions, which potentially produce 13.51 and 9.99 t/ha/year. The highest starch yield was found in Yebha, Poro, and Batha by 32.4, 26.6, and 25.9%, consecutively. Batha (spiny sago) and Yebha (non-spiny sago) accessions are the superior accessions recommended for conservation through cultivation due to their relatively high potential.
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13 January 2023
THE 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE AND LIFE SCIENCE 2021 (ICALS 2021): “Accelerating Transformation in Industrial Agriculture Through Sciences Implementation”
3–4 November 2021
Jember, Indonesia
Research Article|
January 13 2023
Sago (Metroxylon sago, Rottb) genetic resources in Jayapura Regency: A case study in Waibu district
Alberth Soplanit;
Alberth Soplanit
Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Papua
. Jalan Yahim.No.49, Dobonsolo, Sentani, Jayapura- Propinsi Papua, 99352 - Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Merlin K. Rumbarar;
Merlin K. Rumbarar
Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Papua
. Jalan Yahim.No.49, Dobonsolo, Sentani, Jayapura- Propinsi Papua, 99352 - Indonesia
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Niki E. Lewaherilla
Niki E. Lewaherilla
Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology of Maluku
. Jalan Chr. Soplanit, Rumah Tiga Ambon-Propinsi Maluku, 97233 - Indonesia
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2583, 020006 (2023)
Alberth Soplanit, Merlin K. Rumbarar, Niki E. Lewaherilla; Sago (Metroxylon sago, Rottb) genetic resources in Jayapura Regency: A case study in Waibu district. AIP Conf. Proc. 13 January 2023; 2583 (1): 020006.
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