This study aims to analyze the application of the PBL model that can improve interdisciplinary thinking skills and biology learning outcomes for students of class XI MIPA 7 SMA Negeri 1 Malang. The research method used is classroom action research, using mixed-method concurrent nested (embedded) research. This study involved 31 students of class XI MIPA 7 at SMA Negeri 1 Malang. The pretest and posttest instruments are in the form of multiple-choice questions for interdisciplinary thinking skills with an N-Gain score of 0.7121 with high criteria. Affective learning outcomes show an average of 97.4% classical completeness. Cognitive learning results show that the average classical completeness is 86.6%. The results of psychomotor learning showed average classical completeness of 96.8%. Based on the study results, it can be concluded that the application of the PBL model can improve interdisciplinary thinking skills and student biology learning outcomes in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains.
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10 January 2023
THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (ICoMSE) 2021: Science and Mathematics Education Research: Current Challenges and Opportunities
3–4 August 2021
Malang, Indonesia
Research Article|
January 10 2023
Implementation of PBL (problem-based learning) to improve interdisciplinary thinking skills and biology learning outcomes
Firnindia Putri;
Firnindia Putri
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
, Malang, 65145, Indonesia
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Hadi Suwono
Hadi Suwono
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
, Malang, 65145, Indonesia
a)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding Author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2569, 020012 (2023)
Firnindia Putri, Hadi Suwono; Implementation of PBL (problem-based learning) to improve interdisciplinary thinking skills and biology learning outcomes. AIP Conf. Proc. 10 January 2023; 2569 (1): 020012.
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