The Anatomical characters of leaves epidermis studied to four species (Portulaca.afra , Portulaca oleracea , Portulaca.grandiflora , Portulaca quadrifidal )belong to the Portulaca L. genera from the family Portulacaceae and many characters of the leaves epidermis was useful to separate between the species , especially the qualitative and quantitative characters,the qualitative like the shapes, and nature of the walls of the cells ,in P. afra its cells are polygonal to rectangular in shape, the nature of its walls, which are straight and not wavy, but in other 3 species is irregular in shape, and its cell walls are little to highly undulating ,so the quantitative characters was useful to separate between the species like diameter and numbers of epidermal cell and stomata in leaves in P.afra the epidermal cell were smaller in size, and more numerous than the rest of the species , the epidermal cell and stomata dimensions have shown a variation that helps to separate from each other. So the aim of the study was to a knowledge the anatomical characters of epidermis for the studied species and use these characters to separate between those species taxonomically.
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2 December 2022
16–17 June 2021
Karbala, Iraq
Research Article|
December 02 2022
Anatomical study for leaves epiderm in Portulaca L. species Portulacaceae in Iraq
Fadhilah Hassan;
Fadhilah Hassan
College of Education for Pure Science. University of Kerbala
, Karbala, Iraq
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Neepal Imtair Al-Garaawi
Neepal Imtair Al-Garaawi
College of Education for Pure Science. University of Kerbala
, Karbala, Iraq
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2547, 020032 (2022)
Fadhilah Hassan, Neepal Imtair Al-Garaawi; Anatomical study for leaves epiderm in Portulaca L. species Portulacaceae in Iraq. AIP Conf. Proc. 2 December 2022; 2547 (1): 020032.
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