Learning physics will be more meaningful if it is associated with local habits found in an area. This study aims to develop a physics learning device based on the local community’s traditions and the effect of its application on learning outcomes in SMA Negeri 1 SoE students. The method used is Research and Development (R&D). The results showed that the results of the validation of the physics learning tool based on the habits of the local community by the experts as a whole met the appropriate criteria. The calculation of the evaluation questions showed that the validity of the questions was in the very high and high categories, the reliability value of the questions was rcount (0.92 and 0.94)>rtable (0.632), also the discriminatory power and level of difficulty of the questions were good. Therefore, they could be used as test tools. Physics learning tools based on local people’s traditions on global warming material effectively increase students’ conceptual understanding with an N-Gain of 0.78 (high). In conclusion, physics learning based on local people’s traditions is valid, feasible, and practical to use in the learning process.
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10 November 2022
THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (IConSSE 2021): Integrating Rapid Technology and Whole Person Education in Science and Science Education to Encounter the New Normal Era
7–8 September 2021
Salatiga, Indonesia
Research Article|
November 10 2022
Developing physics learning tools based on the local community traditionabout global warming to improve student’s understanding
Landiana E. Laos;
Landiana E. Laos
Physics Education Study Program, STKIP SoE, South Central Timor
, 85511, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: landianalaos28@gmail.com
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Vivi E. R. Husin;
Vivi E. R. Husin
Physics Education Study Program, STKIP SoE, South Central Timor
, 85511, Indonesia
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Sonya Y. Manafe;
Sonya Y. Manafe
Physics Education Study Program, STKIP SoE, South Central Timor
, 85511, Indonesia
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Sonya V. Ch. Benu
Sonya V. Ch. Benu
English Education Study Program, STKIP SoE, South Central Timor
, 85511, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: landianalaos28@gmail.com
AIP Conf. Proc. 2542, 060007 (2022)
Landiana E. Laos, Vivi E. R. Husin, Sonya Y. Manafe, Sonya V. Ch. Benu; Developing physics learning tools based on the local community traditionabout global warming to improve student’s understanding. AIP Conf. Proc. 10 November 2022; 2542 (1): 060007. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0106595
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