This research aim to know support in implementation of teaching factory and industry collaboration towards learning outcomes and work preparedness of vocational high school student in east java province.
Research designed are mixing method. Populations of this research are vocational high school in east java that implement teaching factory. This research use random sampling, the samples are from 8 vocational high schools (public and private school) in 6 cities with 65 productive teachers as respondents. Data analysis use descriptive statistic and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) PLS to evaluation validity and to know relations every research variables.
Analysis descriptive result showed teaching factory relatively got high average value in indicator of facilities, infrastructure, and management, while for indicator of soft skill and learning implementation got low average value. Collaboration among school and industry still low if compare with description value of teaching factory, learning outcome, and student work preparedness with 2,96. SEM PLS analysis result found collaboration with industry has path coefficient 0.445 with contribution to teaching factory 0,198. Path coefficient to learning outcomes from industry collaboration, teaching factory, and together contribution are 0.704, 0.274, 0.742 respectably. Path coefficient for work preparedness from learning outcomes is 0.685 and the contribution value is 0.469. Based on the result, the key role to create high work preparedness student came from the capability of school to collaboration with industry. Because learning outcome will optimum if the school success create good collaboration with industries. The school capability to make industry collaboration plan will influence to teaching factory design that implement by the school.