The Bandung Basin is an area located in the middle of the mountains of West Java, Indonesia. Located at the coordinates of 6 ° - 7 ° South and 107 ° -108 ° East, the area has a large area and is relatively flat. The area is planned to become an Urban Area. The area is threatened by natural disasters, an earthquake caused by the Lembang Fault and a source of shallow and deep background earthquakes. This natural phenomenon can cause a high surface acceleration of the earthquake, causing infrastructure damage. Therefore, earthquake mitigation efforts need significant attention. In this study, the surface acceleration of the earthquake will be analyzed using the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) method for the 2500-year return period combined with the amplification function of the slope effect. The results obtained are that the highest surface acceleration is near the Lembang Fault, which reaches more significant than 2.0 g and is followed by the area in the middle of the Bandung Basin, which reaches 1.0 g and a small part of the west side reaches 0.2 g. Amplification occurs in relatively flat areas and vice versa; deamplification occurs on the south-central side of the Bandung Basin, associated with hilly/mountainous areas. The slope function amplification method is reliable only applied in a hilly area; if not, this will make a misleading analysis.
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29 December 2022
12 June 2021
Bandung, Indonesia
Research Article|
December 29 2022
Earthquake surface acceleration with slope function amplification approach in Bandung Basin, Indonesia
Arifan Jaya Syahbana;
Arifan Jaya Syahbana
Reseacher Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
, Jl. Sangkuriang No.1, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Okta Fajar Saputra;
Okta Fajar Saputra
Reseacher Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
, Jl. Sangkuriang No.1, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
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Anggun Mayang Sari;
Anggun Mayang Sari
Reseacher Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
, Jl. Sangkuriang No.1, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
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Afnindar Fakhrurrozi;
Afnindar Fakhrurrozi
Reseacher Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
, Jl. Sangkuriang No.1, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
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Chintya Meidina Azwar;
Chintya Meidina Azwar
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
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M. Asrurifak;
M. Asrurifak
Civil Engineering, National Institute of sciences and Technology
, Jl. Moh Kahfi II, Jakarta Selatan 12640, Indonesia
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Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
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Masyhur Irsyam
Masyhur Irsyam
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2468, 020002 (2022)
Arifan Jaya Syahbana, Okta Fajar Saputra, Anggun Mayang Sari, Afnindar Fakhrurrozi, Chintya Meidina Azwar, M. Asrurifak, Hendriyawan, Masyhur Irsyam; Earthquake surface acceleration with slope function amplification approach in Bandung Basin, Indonesia. AIP Conf. Proc. 29 December 2022; 2468 (1): 020002.
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