The study aimed to evaluated the ability of growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP-6),and clomiphene citrate (CC), as two different mechanisms, to treat hypogonadism induced by anabolic steroid oxymetholone, and then evaluation growth hormone (GH), testosterone, Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Prolactin (PRL) and Estradiol (E2) concentrations in the sera of male white rabbits . Study design divided into 6 groups (5 treatment groups+a control) contained 11male white rabbits for each one. These groups represent each of respectively G1:Control,G2:Oxymethlone,G3:Ghrp- 6,G4:Oxymethlone+Ghrp-6,G5:Clomid+Ghrp-6,G6: Oxymethlone+ Ghrp-6+ Clomid Results was: no significant differences in concentration of growth hormone (GH) for G1 and G4 group, while a significant increase in G2, G3, G5. A significant decrease in the testosterone concentrations of G1, and a significant increase in G2, no significant differences were observed for G3, G4 and G5 respectively, also a significant decrease in the concentration of (LH) of G1 and a significant increase in its concentration for G2, G5, while no significant differences were observed for G3and G4 groups, no significant difference in (FSH) concentration of G1, G2, G4 and G5, and it showed a significant increase in its levels in G3, with respect to prolactin (PRL), a significant increase in G1 and G2, about G3, G4, G5 was compatible with the control, estradiol(E2) showed a significant increase in G1 ,G2, and no significant differences in G3, G4and G5, and all results were compared with group C.
As a result, GHS therapy and CC is both safe and effective, especially those interested in fertility preservation is an intriguing and novel option for clinicians. These drugs show potential for usage in the treatment of low testosterone levels caused by oxymetholone dosage.