Visually Challenged People (VCP) need different types of assistance to overcome the difficulties they encounter in their daily life. Which makes them not confident in themselves and a burden on those around them. In this paper, technical assistance is provided to help VCPs rely on themselves in their daily life in discovering obstacles and water puddles are on their way.
This system consists of a walking stick and Android applications. Included walking stick uses IoT technology that can provide assistance and support for people with disabilities to achieve a better life. The design of the system relies on a modern and advanced microcontroller called the Particle Photon with many sensors, a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit, and auxiliary components for alarm.
Sensors detect obstructions, and the VCP is alerted by vibrations or audible beeps depending on the detected obstacle. The GPS module receives VCP location coordinates and is useful for parental tracking with the Blynk application. The Blynk application is used to communicate with parents or friends instantly with just a press of the SOS (Save our Selves) button. Few lightweight components are used to make the device affordable, comfortable, and with advanced features.