Fibre Metal Laminates combine the strength of polymers and the adaptability of aluminium to form novel exotic composite materials that can potentially replace both aluminium and Fibre reinforced polymers. Usage of FMLs in aircraft structures has challenges of its own. One such challenge is joining FML plates to the airframe. The most common method of joining various structural components is riveting. This method of joining introduces stress concentration due to rivet holes, varied load paths, added secondary loads etc. These complications along with bi-material interface on a mesoscopic level are seldom studied. This study addresses the above mentioned shortcomings through a detailed 3-dimensional stress analysis. Accurate prediction of these local stresses will lead to better prediction of fatigue life as well as the joint strength of the structures.
Glass fibre reinforced aluminium composite (GLARE) is chosen as the ideal specimen for these studies since it is actively explored as a viable replacement for the existing structural components. A square plate with a centrally located hole is loaded in tension. The GLARE plate is modelled using ABAQUS Standard platform. 8-noded hexahedral elements are functionally graded to appropriately simulate the stress concentration developed in each layer for a particular load. The detailed layer wise behavioural study is presented by plotting the stress and force values obtained across time and displacements. Furthermore, a parametric study of different types of GLARE is carried out to formulate a holistic understanding of the effect of tensile load in an infinite plate with a standard rivet hole.