Determination of capsaicin concentration in sauces by UV-Visible spectrophotometry in PD Surabraja Cirebon Food Industry. This analysis method is based on the results of absorbance readings on UV-Visible spectrophotometry. The results obtained from the analysis results for each sample of sauces with codes X, Y and Z are 55.206 mg/L, respectively; 56,572 mg/L; 56.469 mg/L. Based on the level of spiciness according to SNI number 4480 in 2016 is categorized rather spicy. The linearity value obtained was 0.9976, the detection limit value (LOD) was 617.50 mg/L, the quantitation limit value (LOQ) was 2058.33 mg/L, the precision value (% RSD) of each sample in the order 1.85%, 1.8574%, and 1.3810%. While the accuracy value as %recovery of the three samples are 108.76%, 109.69% and 108.86%.
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21 April 2020
3RD INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON CHEMICAL EDUCATION: Trends, Applications, Changes in Chemical Education for the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
17 September 2019
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Research Article|
April 21 2020
Determination of pungency level and capsaicin concentration in sauce using Uv-visible spectrophotometry
Ni’matul Maula;
Ni’matul Maula
Chemical Analyst Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Islamic University of Indonesia
, Indonesia
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Chemistry Education Department, Islamic University of Indonesia Kampus Terpadu UII
, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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Laboratorium P.D. Surabraja Food Industry Cirebon
, Indonesia
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email: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2229, 030015 (2020)
Ni’matul Maula, Muhaimin, Millasari; Determination of pungency level and capsaicin concentration in sauce using Uv-visible spectrophotometry. AIP Conf. Proc. 21 April 2020; 2229 (1): 030015.
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