An advanced hybrid composite with epoxy as resin and reinforcing E-Glass, carbon and flax as twill layered fabric composites and also study experimentally the effect of the stacking sequence on tensile, flexural and impact properties. Hybrid composite materials are generally used in aerospace industries, defence, automobile spare parts, and bicycle frames, engineering application increasing demand for special material lead to new invertion natural and synthetic fiber reinforced composite are replacing convemotional materials as natural fiber are cheap and biodegradable they have high specific properties and low density in the work hybrid composites are fabricated with flax, corbon and E-Glass fabric twill as reinforced materials with epoxy resin as matrix. All the laminates were made with a total of three different fabric, by varying the number and position of E-glass layers so as to obtain five different stacking sequences. Composites were manufactured using vacuum bagging method. Hybrid Composite samples manufacturing and testing were carried out as per ASTM standards. The results showed that the natural, synthetic fibric and epoxy resin hybrid composite give optimistic results when compared with the neat resin.
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20 December 2019
16–17 August 2019
Telangana, India
Research Article|
December 20 2019
Experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of flax, E-glass and carbon fabric reinforced hybrid epoxy resin composites
Ajmeera Ramesh;
Ajmeera Ramesh
Department of Mechanical Engineering
, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India
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M. Gowtha Muneswara Rao;
M. Gowtha Muneswara Rao
Department of Mechanical Engineering
, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India
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D. Maneiah;
D. Maneiah
Department of Mechanical Engineering
, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India
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A. Raji Reddy
A. Raji Reddy
Department of Mechanical Engineering
, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2200, 020092 (2019)
Ajmeera Ramesh, M. Gowtha Muneswara Rao, D. Maneiah, A. Raji Reddy; Experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of flax, E-glass and carbon fabric reinforced hybrid epoxy resin composites. AIP Conf. Proc. 20 December 2019; 2200 (1): 020092.
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