This experiment demonstrates the tunable charge trapping behavior of fully solution processed ZrO2 (MOS) in presence of different optical illumination. To ensure the tenability of charge trapping behavior, the capacitance voltage measurement was performed at frequency of 100 kHz with DC gate sweep voltage of ± 5V (with additional AC ∼ 100mV) in presence of deep UV (wavelength of 365nm with power of 25W) as well as white light (20W). It is observed that there is a large hysteresis in CV curve of 2.24V with trap charge density(n) of 1.42×1012 cm−2 due to presence of deep UV light. However, hysteresis degrades to 2.02V (n ∼ 1.34×1012 cm−2) and 1.55V (n ∼ 1.03×1012 cm−2) for illumination of white light and dark condition respectively. So, the charge trapping capability of ZrO2 can be tuned up to 27% from dark to UV light illumination.
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11 July 2019
18–22 December 2018
Hisar, Haryana, India
Research Article|
July 11 2019
Tunable charge trapping behavior of solution processed ZrO2 (MOS) in presence of different optical illumination
Sandip Mondal
Sandip Mondal
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science
, Bangalore-560012, India
SanDisk (a Western Digital brand) India Device Design center
, Bangalore – 560103, India
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2115, 030215 (2019)
Sandip Mondal; Tunable charge trapping behavior of solution processed ZrO2 (MOS) in presence of different optical illumination. AIP Conf. Proc. 11 July 2019; 2115 (1): 030215.
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