Nano-refrigerants are a special class of nanofluids, prepared by addition of nanoscale impurity in refrigerants. The nano-refrigerants have a wide range of applications in many fields of thermal engineering including rapid refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps. In the present work, nanorefrigerants are prepared by forcefully dispersing Mono-, Bi- and Tri-layer graphene nanosheets in R134a refrigerant (as base fluid) at low temperature (278 K). To analyze the effect of number of layers of graphene, three types of graphene layers namely mono-, bi- and tri-layer graphene nanosheets are chosen. The result of the research work shows that thermophysical and heat transfer properties are strongly influenced by the number of layers of graphene. The nanorefrigerant prepared using mono-layer graphene shows outstanding heat transfer property in terms of ∼96.14 % enhancement in thermal conductivity over the pure refrigerant.
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7 May 2019
14–15 December 2018
Nagpur, India
Research Article|
May 07 2019
Preparation of nanorefrigerants using mono-, bi- and tri-layer graphene nanosheets in R134a refrigerant
P. B. Maheshwary;
P. B. Maheshwary
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JD College of Engineering & Management
, Nagpur 441 501, India
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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C. C. Handa;
C. C. Handa
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KDK College of Engineering
, Nagpur 400 049, India
Search for other works by this author on:
K. R. Nemade
K. R. Nemade
Department of Physics, Indira Mahavidyalaya
, Kalamb 445 401, India
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AIP Conf. Proc. 2104, 020017 (2019)
P. B. Maheshwary, C. C. Handa, K. R. Nemade; Preparation of nanorefrigerants using mono-, bi- and tri-layer graphene nanosheets in R134a refrigerant. AIP Conf. Proc. 7 May 2019; 2104 (1): 020017.
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