Mining operational activities at PT Vale Indonesia used a lot for heavy equipment such as loader, excavator, dozer, dump truck, employee buses, prime mover for container transport and nickel matte transport, light truck and light vehicle. As company goal to produce 90K Ton nickel all equipment above will be used at maximum operating hours that will cause fuel usage will be increased also. PT Vale Indonesia have commitment to local government as part of company CSR to develop 4 areas in Luwu Timur (Sorowako, Wawondula, Wasuponda and Malili) as part of company employee coverage eligible transported by company bus. Energy reserved from hydro power plan owned by PT Vale Indonesia still adequate to cover additional energy consumption as the result of this energy conversion. This plenty energy reserved as one reason writer proposed energy conversion. Vehicle using electrical motor produce less emission compare to fossil fuel vehicle. This condition will be enhanced if the charging station energy come from clean power station such as hydro power plan (not diesel generated power plan). This energy conversion also supports government initiative to reduce green gas emission in transport sector. As the result of converting fossil fuel bus with electric bus 1200 Kg CO2 and 2500 kg CO with amount of High-Speed Diesel reduce as much as 450,000 liters each year. With all those buses that used to transport employee strategy to place charging station will be next important things to discuss. This charging station will be placed refer to battery state of change. Charging station will be best put in bus pool, this decision based on infrastructure readiness and operational area coverage for employee bus. Economic valuation will be used NPV (Net Present Value) to determine whether this energy conversion from fossil fuel to electric bus is adequate with comparing fuel saving and first investment to provide electric bus. And the result is adequate partially to replace diesel fuel bus with electric bus.

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Emisi Gas Buang Kendaraan Bermotor dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kesehatan
” Skripsi Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITS,
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