Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC) plays a conspicuous role in engineering application. Cenosphere reinforced polymer matrix composite has higher strength, stiffness, lesser density and also saving in cost. These particulate composites are manufactured to meet several structural requirements. Thus there is a need to study their static and dynamic properties. In this work polymer epoxy polymer composites reinforced with cenosphere are fabricated and their static and dynamic properties are analyzed. Experimental investigation involves fabrication of specimen of polymer matrix reinforced with cenosphere by varying volume fractions of 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40%. Tensile and compressive properties are tested on UTM as per ASTM standard. Microstructures of composites are assessed with SEM and also Model analysis of cantilever beam is performed as per ASTM standard in Engineering Data Management System (EDM 7.0) of Crystal Instruments to study variation of natural frequency in each case. The natural frequency results are compared with the commercially available ANSYS FE software by assigning the material propertied obtained by static analysis. Thus effects of volume fraction of cenosphere on static and dynamic characteristics of particulate composites are studied.
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11 January 2019
ADVANCES IN POLYMER COMPOSITES: MECHANICS, CHARACTERIZATION AND APPLICATIONS: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Polymer Composites (ICPC 2018)
15–16 December 2018
Surathkal, India
Research Article|
January 11 2019
Investigation of static and dynamic properties of cenosphere reinforced polymer matrix composite beams
J. Bharath;
J. Bharath
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Polytechnic
, Bantwal-574 219. D.K. Karnataka, India
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Sharnappa Joladarashi;
Sharnappa Joladarashi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Jnstitute of Technology Karnataka
, Surathkal, Srinivasanagar Mangalore-575025, India
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Suryarao Nagiredla;
Suryarao Nagiredla
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Jnstitute of Technology Karnataka
, Surathkal, Srinivasanagar Mangalore-575025, India
c)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Hemantha Kumar
Hemantha Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Jnstitute of Technology Karnataka
, Surathkal, Srinivasanagar Mangalore-575025, India
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c)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2057, 020051 (2019)
J. Bharath, Sharnappa Joladarashi, Suryarao Nagiredla, Hemantha Kumar; Investigation of static and dynamic properties of cenosphere reinforced polymer matrix composite beams. AIP Conf. Proc. 11 January 2019; 2057 (1): 020051. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5085622
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