Fish is main source of protein and primary component of human diet. The objective of this research was to evaluate the Health Benefit Value of Selenium (HBV-Se) as a food safety index from mercury contamination in marine fish consumption at Bintan areas. Five fish species commonly consumed and estimated have high concentration of mercury was collected from market. Fish tissues were dried at 40°C during 48 hours and grinded until fine powder. Total mercury (THg) was direct measured by Direct Mercury Analyzer (DMA) NIC-MA3000 while Selenium total (Se) was measured by ICP OES with microwave digestion for sample preparation. Hg and Se value were calculated to gain HBV-Se index. The mercury concentration varies from 0.19 mg/kg in Benggol to 1.14 mg/kg in Tenggiri. The selenium concentration varies from 3.98 mg/kg in Selikur to 6.93 mg/kg in Tuna. All the values are within the SNI guidelines, for which the limit is 0.5 mg/kg for fish but exceed BPPOM permissible limit. Total mercury value from the highest were Tenggiri, Scomberomorus commerson>Selar, Atule mate>Selikur, Megalaspis cordyla>Tuna, Thunnus tonggol>Benggol, Decapterus russelli. HBV-Se of five species fishes from Bintan areas showed positive value and it means safe for consumption. Measurement only total mercury as single data will give different interpretation due to mercury contamination in marine food consumption so HBV-Se showed more complete interpretation about food safety due to mercury contamination.
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7 November 2018
1–2 November 2018
Banten, Indonesia
Research Article|
November 07 2018
Health benefit value selenium (HBV-Se): A food safety index from mercury (Hg) contamination in marine fish consumption
Suratno Suratno;
Suratno Suratno
Research Centre for Ocenaography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
, Indonesia
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Rachma Puspitasari
Rachma Puspitasari
Research Centre for Ocenaography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
, Indonesia
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 2024, 020023 (2018)
Suratno Suratno, Rachma Puspitasari; Health benefit value selenium (HBV-Se): A food safety index from mercury (Hg) contamination in marine fish consumption. AIP Conf. Proc. 7 November 2018; 2024 (1): 020023.
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