A wide number of research fields in the nuclear sector requires high-quality and well-characterized samples and targets. Currently, only a few laboratories own or have access to the equipment allowing fulfilling such demands. Coordination of activities and sharing resources is therefore mandatory to meet the increasing needs. This very urgent issue has now been addressed by six European target laboratories with an initiative called ANITA (Advanced Network for Isotope and TArget laboratories). The global aim of ANITA is to establish an overarching research infrastructure service for isotope and target production and develop a tight cooperation between the target laboratories in Europe in order to transfer the knowledge and improve the production techniques of well-characterized samples and targets. Moreover, the interaction of the target producers with the users shall be encouraged and intensified to deliver tailor-made targets best-suited to the envisaged experiments. For the realization of this ambitious goal, efforts within the European Commission and strong support by the target-using communities will be necessary. In particular, an appropriate funding instrument has to be found and applied, enabling ANITA to develop from an initiative employed by the interested parties to a real coordination platform.
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3 May 2018
13–18 November 2016
Stellenbosch, South Africa
Research Article|
May 03 2018
ANITA (Advanced Network for Isotope and TArget laboratories) – The urgent need for a European target preparation network
Dorothea Schumann;
Dorothea Schumann
Paul Scherrer Institute
, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Goedele Sibbens;
Goedele Sibbens
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
, Directorate G, Geel, Belgium
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Klaus Eberhardt;
Klaus Eberhardt
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität and Helmholtz Institute
Mainz, Germany
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Bettina Lommel;
Bettina Lommel
Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research
Darmstadt, Germany
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Christelle Stodel
Christelle Stodel
Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds
; CNRS/IN2P3-CEA/DRF Bvd Henri Becquerel F-14076 Caen, France
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a)Corresponding author: [email protected]
AIP Conf. Proc. 1962, 020001 (2018)
Dorothea Schumann, Goedele Sibbens, Anna Stolarz, Klaus Eberhardt, Bettina Lommel, Christelle Stodel; ANITA (Advanced Network for Isotope and TArget laboratories) – The urgent need for a European target preparation network. AIP Conf. Proc. 3 May 2018; 1962 (1): 020001. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5035514
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